ROLLING - Drum Double pedal P6A (48800139)

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TQF Family Store


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TQF Family Store
Jl. Taifur Yusuf RT. 001 RW.002 Kelurahan Pamoyanan Kecamatan Cianjur Kabupaten Cianjur Provinsi Jawa Barat Indonesia Kode Pos 43211 081224691688
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Rolling double pedalP6A Material terbuat dari babet berkualitas sehingga tahan untuk di gunakan drummer Bass Drum Pedal is a single-chain pedal that utilizes the same offset cam shape as the other Rolling pedals. The pedal's offset cam offers increased power and speed as the beater reaches the end of its stroke. The shaft and beater can be adjusted freely. Features: Offset cam shape for increased power and speed. Adjustable shaft and beater.

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